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Christmas Presents with My Husband

This will be my third Christmas with my husband and two years ago we decided on no Christmas gifts. Instead, we (I lol) decided that we should do an ornament exchange.  A few years back I took out my grandma's ornaments with her and saw all the sweet ornaments family had given her, but my favorite were the ones from my grandpa. She even wrote the date and where he got them sweet.  So anyways, I thought it would be cool to start doing that and then we could look back and one day our kids and grandkids could also look back. Our first year I got Nick an animal crossing ornament that I drove all over Florida to find lol and he got me a locket ornament, which he didn't even know what a locket was and there was a random couple inside haha. Here is the little cutie! I have been wanting to do an ornament of just stuff we were into each year. I finally got to it! Here is 2021... and 2022... I put shows and food we were obsessed with and some pictures! I sell them on my Etsy sh

Everything Gingerbread

This picture reminds of the TikTok sound "it's timeeeeee" lol. This page is a hub for everything gingerbread!  Outfits Click the picture below for the link to outfit ideas. Tutorial for Easy Gingerbread House

Gingerbread Outfits

10 years ago I was at Target and snagged the above outfit from the Target boy's section. I have not seen it since! Which is weird, since a lot of times you will see things again from Target, so it's definitely a gem. I was thinking about retiring it and getting something new, but I am still deciding. Here are some options I was thinking about getting. All items are linked by clicking on the picture. This is my top pick. However, I'm usually sweating on gingerbread day (rightfully so lol) so I don't know if I'll be able to handle a one piece...however, it is cute! Click the picture for link. I like this a lot, but I don't like the sleeve length. If I did this, I would definitely need a jean jacket, but if you don't care about sleeve length then this is for you! Click the picture for the link! Okay - this is SO cute! But again, cannot do this because I need my hands to help them with all the gingerbread stuff lol. This would be cute for a principal or someone

November Sensory Bin

For November we have popcorn kernels, orange-dyed pasta shells, and number erasers. I used to go crazy cutting and laminating little numbers and copying recording sheets, but I found they were less productive with stuff like that. It may work great for some classrooms, but I find that this time at the sensory table is perfect for communication and creativity. I know it sounds like all those blogging pages that say to be gentle lol, but it's actually true. The kids are 5 and 6 so I have found it's okay to just let them 'play' in the sensory bins and guess what? They do their own academic stuff when I let them. I hear them talking about sorting numbers and addition back there. When I used to have a set activity like pull a snowball and record the number, all I was doing was redirecting because they were throwing snowballs. Plus, who wants to do the same thing every day? No judgment to people who make their kids do recording sheets, it just didn't seem to work out as a

Pigeon Activities!

So Monday all the kids were here and Alex and I were together as well. Tuesday the kids didn't come and we got the room ready. Wednesday they were all here for their 'first day' knowing who their teacher was. Alex and I were both here Wednesday. Then Thursday started the job share. I am Thursday, Friday and Alex is Monday, Tuesday. Then we rotate Wednesdays! I used Thursday as what I would typically do on the first day- PIGEON! (click the picture for link to the book) First activity- graphing! We sat around the edge of the carpet for the first time (my fav thing to do). Everyone got a turn to put their name on the graph. The two choices were 'wanted to go to school' and 'didn't want to go to school'. I TOTALLY thought more of them would have put on 'didn't want to', but it was a full house for 'wanted to' lol.  Then we did the recording sheet. The ELMO will forever be my kindergarten bestie. If you don't have one, you should get a

Teen Numbers Lucky Charms Craft

If you're new here, I absolutely love CRAFTIVITIES! Craftivities are a craft that aligns to whatever you are doing academically. We do a math craft once a week! My kids love it and I love being able to reference back to them. We used to do the hot chocolate teen numbers and these teen number puppies (which I do still love and we could do), but hot chocolate is out for March and the teen number puppies were just counting, not showing a tens frame like my hot chocolate ones did. So I randomly thought of this while my kids went to specials and whipped it up. The cereal represents the ten and the marshmallows are the one. So now when we talk about making teen numbers and filling the tens frame I can say 'remember the tens frame gets the cereal and the other part is the marshmallows'. :) The craft comes with different ways to print it out to make it easiest for your classroom or home. When I made it with my kids I realized I needed a 'topper' and also would not print out

Lucky Charm Pancakes

Years ago my first grade teacher friend and I made lucky charm pancakes with the kids. We wanted to make them a rainbow stack of pancakes. Ya, don't try that unless you are at your house with maybe five kids max lol. Making all the colors of the rainbow pancakes for 40+ kids is not an easy task lol. We ended up giving up and they got two different colors. Fast forward five or so years and I just make funfetti pancakes with the kids. This is the kind I use. You can find it at Walmart. You could really use any kind of mix, but if you are doing it at school I would suggest any that is 'just add water'. I probably would use just add water with my own kids at home too, considering I use it for myself as well lol. I have portioned it out individually before, but this year I portioned it out for four tables. I did a bowl of pancake mix for each table and then a small cup of water for each kid. I was trying to portion out the water correctly, but it turned into a hot mess because t