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Showing posts with the label fun for kids

Ice Cream Dramatic Play

I get so many questions when I post my dramatic plays so I am going to share all about our Ice Cream Shop. Of course dramatic play looks different, as all Covid things do, but we are staying safe, modifying what I am used to (let's be real they don't know any different) and still living our best Kindergarten life. :) First thing I always get asked is how I made this stand. Well I took Sulley to Home Depot and we bought the 4 wooden crates. I took them in the back and asked someone to help me measure and cut wood so I would have a piece to cover the top. Almost like a counter if you will. Then I knew I wanted it to look like a lemonade stand so they measured for that too and gave me all the pieces. Now mind you I said I need the easiest and cheapest wood to work with because I am NOT handy. So the guy gives me oak, come to find out the most EXPENSIVE and you can't just hammer through it. Thanks home depot anyways I got the crates together and then my neighbor came

Colored Shaving Cream

So I love following my friend, Dee, on Instagram ( abcdeelearning ). She has two little kids so she is always doing fun stuff that I can try out with my babes. If you're a mom of little kids, you should check out her  Instagram . All you need is shaving cream and food coloring! I made this on Zoom with my kids. They loved when I would do 'science experiments'. A lot of them would try it out after we got off. This project is super easy and also super easy to clean up (my favorite). Tips: The more you mix the shaving cream and food coloring together, the less chance of stains on hands. Baking soda works pretty well to get food coloring off little hands.

Jello Sensory Bin

The easiest sensory bin! All you need is clear gelatin, food coloring of choice, and plastic toys to put in the jello. I used little squish balls. I got them at Walmart- 12 for a dollar. (I figured out they are called porcupine balls-who knew...).They were just in the holiday section (Easter at the time).  Just make the jello, put in whatever objects you want. I was thinking beads would be a good idea too...takes a long time to pull out LOL, and then refrigerate. I kept mine in the fridge for about an hour and it was ready to go.  Happy jello-ing! Click here for the video!

Shaving Cream Easter Eggs

Dear future kids, You will never experience dying eggs the old fashioned way because your mom tried this is and it was 39487 times easier. LOL No, but for real. I have been trying to keep everything 'normal' for my little Kinder babies. One thing I do every year is boil a million eggs (normally last minute and am up until 2AM) and let them dye them at school. It is ridiculous every year, but I love the memories. I saw this online and wanted to try it so I figured why not try it while distant teaching/learning? Materials: eggs, water, vinegar (I didn't use it though), food coloring, shaving cream Mess Factor: not much mess (tip: use baking soda to remove food coloring off hands) Boil eggs. I have read to soak in vinegar for 20 minutes, but I honestly forgot and it still worked. Put shaving cream in a tray, bowl, cup cake tin, or on a plate like I did. Add some food coloring of choice. Roll your eggs in it. Set out on a paper towel o

Colored Rice

Alright, I want to see what kinds of sensory bins you can make at home! I picked up some rice and beans (beans were a fail LOL) and made an easy sensory bin. You can use rice, sand, rocks, pasta, all sorts of things. I bought some Easter eggs and rice, but you can definitely get more creative! As you can see I just wrote on some eggs. You could do sight words, upper and lower-case letters, math problems, really anything. If you have younger kids you could write the letters of their name or just their name on all of the eggs. The eggs are perfect because they also act as a scoop. Now onto how to make the rice! Ignore the beans LOL. They never made it. Not to mention, this was the ONLY packet of beans. The rice is just plain white rice (the third bag left) and this was literally the only bottle of vinegar, I guess people really need vinegar in these times of crisis, haha. Then I use Wilton food coloring, it is more staining (comes off skin with baking soda easily), but it is br

Saint Patrick's Day Snacks

So like I said in my last post, I am not the biggest fan of Saint Patrick's day, but I am here to share lots of ideas (as I low key would love to be a home schooling mom one day). I made these a few years ago with my first grade teacher friend, Alex. We definitely didn't think it through and started way too late to prep enough ROY G BIV pancakes for two classes. LOL We ended up just letting the kids pick three and poured lucky charms all over. However, if you are at home this is a perfect activity to do tomorrow. Your child can help you use food coloring in the pancake mix. If you have older children that are able to use the stove then this could be an activity for everyone. Here are some more fun ideas I saw online: Saint Patrick's Day Popcorn Absolutely love these Rainbow Waffles! Little Donut Rainbow Clouds

Leprechaun Traps

Hello! I live in Cleveland, Ohio and we are currently shutdown. As much as I always say "I'd love to work from home", I am not too sure how I am actually going to like this. I teach Kindergarten and I have twin nephews in Kindergarten so I am trying to post as many ideas as possible! Today I am sharing 'leprechaun traps'. I have made these in the past in my classroom. I am not a huge fan of Saint Patrick's day, but I love those fun activities you get to do with the kids. If your kids are home during the day OR if you are looking for activities for your kids to do in the evening, you should read How to Trap a Leprechaun.  Click here for the link to the book on YouTube. You could go to the Dollar Tree or if you are staying in just use items around the house. Here are a couple of traps that I found on Instagram. I love these! Instagram Link Instagram Link For more ideas follow me on @thebeachclassroom on Instagram.