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So I did something wild yesterday. I let my kids decorate the door...
A few years ago I said I wanted to put up a new door every month. The kids love when the door is decorated to something new. I lasted maybe 2 months LOL. I try to decorate it at the beginning, but it is such a pain. It always falls down, I can't get it straight, etc etc etc.
Well last week one of my co-worker's decorated her door. It was a spring door with flowers and my kids of course were in awe. "Let's decorate our door!"
So yesterday morning during my morning coffee I randomly thought to make a packet of things they could decorate the door with. It is homeschool at school in our classroom so I thought, I'll give them the stuff and some examples and they can decorate it together.
I told them in the morning about it so they were pumped when it was time. I printed out all the stuff ahead of time and cut it into pieces, but not the exact item. Like I didn't cut the eggs to shape, but I cut them out so there was more than one to cut. That way everyone was working. I told them all the different things there were and how they would have to work together to decide how it would get done. They immediately started brainstorming. Two took charge with the names and followed my direction of writing it in black (hey they can decorate the door, but the color choices still need to be directed from my OCD...lollll). The rest started cutting and organizing how they would put the decor. I had told them not to glue until they lay it all out so they know it fits. The only thing they wanted me to help with was the letters/words.
They did an awesome job. There was barely any arguing. The only comments were things like 'hey watch your feet' or 'you are going to step on it'. So I would count that as a win. I also stayed calm which I am finding is easier to do the older I get lol. I actually time lapsed the process which was adorable.
The best part? They were so proud. One of the office aides was walking down to second grade and I saw my one run up to her and pull her towards the door. Later the office aide told me my little babe said "We made that!" Insert crying and heart eye emojis.
I am excited to do another one. We get out in May so technically there is only one more month left, but maybe we will switch it up more since I don't have to do all the work and they love it anyways!
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