Friday we made these little cereal boxes. I had it up on our front board and they were so shocked at how much it looked like a real cereal box lol. I printed it out in black and white so they could color it how they want. I try to do a mix of craftivities where they use colored cardstock and then some they can be creative and make it however they want!
I tried to tell them they didn't have to write a whole sentence because a. the pictures are small / they have big handwriting and b. I thought it would be easier lol, but because they rock - a lot of them were writing full blown sentences. Bless them! lol
I had them write in pencil first then they were allowed to go over it in sharpie if they wanted to. In our classroom we have a bin of sharpies I keep behind my desk. I labeled them at the beginning of the year and we are still going strong!!! That was probably one of my top ten ideas ever as a Kindergarten teacher. It helps responsibility because no one wants to lose their cap or marker. When it has their name on it, they take better care of it. Whatever you have to do - right? lol Love them
This might become a St. Patrick's day staple in our room! With St. Patrick's Day falling on Sunday we didn't do much, but my job share partner is going to do a 'rainbow' day on Monday. I work on Fridays so that is why she is going to do it the day after. :)
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